
The book written by Gina Balarin entitled The Secret Army: Leadership, Marketing and the Power of People

Want to know some of the secrets from The Secret Army: Leadership, Marketing and the Power of People?

Download this free chapter to discover a hidden world including... what it means to be 'itchy', what this has to do with flow, and the formula of 'ing'.

Don't just speak: "Command the Room" with these experts' insights

Give me 30 minutes, I'll give you an expert! Advice from carefully-selected authorities for C-level executives who want to command a room. From listening to brand-building, coping with crisis to deep listening, you don't want to miss these! Register to get the emails.

Light up your Speech Tip Sheet Cover by Gina Balarin

Discover how to light up your speech with this Tip Sheet

Discover these 15 tips to bring out the inspiring public speaker within you. This tip sheet will help you deliver a game-changing presentation and boost your confidence.

30+ of the best Podcast Episodes featuring Gina Balarin

I've had some lovely conversations with fascinating podcasters. From "A Deep Dive into B2B Leadership Best Practices for Change" to "Gina Balarin says marketers play a huge role on boards". Check them out with this list on Podchaser.

This is the Stories as a Service diagram designed by Gina Balarin of Verballistics

Facts tell, but stories sell - the Secret Formula successful companies won't tell you about

Your customer stories convert prospects to customers. Fact. How do you get them? Check out these slides and you'll discover the formula that got 1 client 8x AS MANY customer stories and testimonials. You can then invite Gina to present this to your organisation or deliver the insights as a workshop.