Communication Coaching for CEOs

CEOs manage companies.
They don’t have time to mess around with words.

They should. This is why.

What happens when you motivate and inspire your teams consistently and effortlessly?

When you improve management communication, people feel inspired. When you do it consistently, business thrives.

With clear intentions and goals, people to work better. Efficiency improves. Results improve. The bottom line improves.

This program empowers CEOs to overcome their communication obstacles by implementing the 3-step “Executive Leadership Communication Framework” (ELCF).

The 3-step Executive Leadership Communication Framework (ELCF)

Foundations, implementation, review

What's the real problem? We'll start with your end goal, ask deep questions for clarity, and set goals for personal evolution and motivation.

Focusing on real outcomes: we'll define the output, workshop it, and allow for creative input to create high-calibre content.


Are you ready? We'll check in, review, make improvements (if necessary) and celebrate your growing influence and glowing success.

Why work with Gina?

Here are a few reasons...

What they say...

What are Gina's clients are saying about her?




Gina worked with me to help me deliver a presentation and manage a panel discussion. This has been one of the best personal experiences. I love learning the way she teaches and illustrates. I can apply it. I wish we’d done this months ago! It’s been great.




Gina has helped me look at removing some of my self-created barriers. There’s a spark in me now. I attribute it to our conversations.

I've worked with many companies

Many of the organisations I've worked with, over the years, had problems that could be solved. But they weren't being addressed.

For a long time, I didn’t know why.

It wasn’t until, after years of studying communication, motivation and leadership behaviour and climbing the ladder from an employee to become a Member of the Board, that I finally got my answer.

What I discovered was simple…

Science has proven the link between inspired employees, workplace productivity and better profits.

But, while inspiring others to make change happen is a no-brainer to me, many leaders struggle to turn theory into reality.

So, what is the difference between a great and a less-than-great workplace?

Great workplaces employ great leaders. Great leaders care. But they also inspire. They communicate clearly, with reason, logic and emotion.

But great leaders don’t always feel great. Or inspirational. They’re too busy making a difference to focus on being brilliant or influential on the screen, stage or page.

That’s why they come to me.

I’ve spent decades writing, speaking, performing on stage, studying leadership and working with leaders to find their voice and amplify their influence.

I am the CEO’s voice. The communication ‘wind beneath your wings’. The storyteller and coach behind your standing ovation. Your word-whisperer.

And I’ve got your back.

Ready to communicate your vision with pride and inspire change?